Friday, April 8, 2011

Mother of the Year!

This is what I found when I took my eye off Max for a couple minutes this morning... I WAS blogging.  Don't judge me.  I know, I know! I won't be earning "Mother of the Year" anytime soon.

He mentioned he wanted Hot CoCoa and like the good mother I am, I ignored him.  So being the independent 2 1/2 year old he is, He took matters into his own hands.  When I began to hear a funny noise & figured out it wasn't the rain, I went to investigate.  Yep, I found the kettle with about 2 tablespoons of water in it on the stovetop with the heat on HIGH!  So I did what any mother would do.  I put more water in it and warmed that up and we all enjoyed some Hot Chocolate...

I have been giving my best friend Tina a hard time about her son Ethan.  He is absolutely a hilarious little boy.  But he is hilarious becasue he is really a tab bit on the ornery side.  I have been telling her how much I love being around him but glad it isn't all the time like her. 

Here is cute little ethan when he was only 1!!

We'll be careful what you say because Max has turned into that these last two weeks.  He used to be so sweet, calm and such a fun little boy.  We'll he is still fun, but calm?  NO!!!  He is into his terrible twos Full Fledged!!  Lucky for Tina...Ethan will be three in about a month and maybe his terrible twos will be over (yea right!!).  But we have 6 months to go and then ours will be over (yeah right!!)

We love our little boys and cannot wait to see what kind of havoc they are gonna wreck when they are teenagers!  Oh wait...I think we CAN wait!

Here is the rest of Max's wrap sheet...

 Needs no explantion!

~here a stool put a hole in the wall~

he put the sugar in the flour or the flour in the this point I can't even remember!

His sisters lotion in his hair!

Which called for a bath, which is probably why he did it in the first place!

- Oh....I could probably start a terrible twos blog.  I am sure I will have plenty more for another post down the road!!

Better get off the computer and stop blogging so I can go change my kid's daiper and try to be a better mother!

1 comment:

  1. i'm expecting william to be a challenge...haha. He already pulls everything out of his drawers, so I can pick them up and put them back in. Everyday his room becomes a complete mess because he does this. Not only that, but he likes to dig in his garbage and pull everything out...can i saw EWWWW! And he loves doing that to the kitchen garbage too. ugh...the FUN begins (not). :)
