Well today marks the one week mark since the shot heard 'round the "Buckeye" world. I wanted to blog about this because Jim Tressel's resignation is a big deal in our house. Anyone who know us, & especially Chad, knows that we love our buckeyes.
When Chad turned on the TV mid-morning on Monday he naturally turned it to the sports channel. This is favorite channel to watch when he has a day off work. His timing was impeccable, if that's what you wanna call it, because it was just as the "news" was breaking. He looked over at me and gave me a look that I have never seen in the 10 years we have been together. It was almost as if he had seen a ghost. In fact, he yelled at the kids who were running through the room in a way I have never, never heard him yell before. I had to remind him that these were HIS children and it wasn't their fault that Tressel was having to do this. He paused the TV, took a deep breath, waited for the kids to make their was through the room and then continued to watch the news unfold. Ahhh....the luxury of modern technology!! We can pause and rewind. How did parents ever watch TV before this invention ?!?!?
Anyway, I have my thoughts about Coach Jim Tressel. You may not agree with me but for now this is my blog and I am going to give my opinion. I still think that he is a stand up guy. I am not gonna lie, I don't doubt that I would have done the exact same thing if I had been in his shoes. I also believe that every coach in the NCAA would have done the EXACT same thing. I think that Tressel is held at a higher standard than most college coaches and this is one of the reasons I have loved being a Buckeye the past 10 years. I love being associated with a team that tries to have some sort of morals in a time where they are almost obsolete. So if they slip up, I like to compare it to myself. I try to always do the right thing but do make an unwise decision once in awhile. I don't want to be judged for just that one or couple mistakes. I want to be remembered for the good things I have done. So that is why I am not quick to jump on the "I Hate Tressel" Bandwagon. He has brought alot of joy to many Buckeye fans this past decade and that is what I will remember him for.
If I had to pick one coach to let my boys play football for it would still be Jim Tressel. I know he looks out for those players just as if they were his own children. I feel that is how he got himself into trouble by trying to protect them like hopefully their own parents would. Society likes to see successful people fail and that is why they are eating this up. And I will have to agree with Dane Sanzenbacher said when asked about his thoughts on Coach Tressel's resignation..."The higher up you are the harder you fall."
So in closing I just want to say..."Thank you Coach Tressel, it's been a great ride!!"

I thought it was awesome that the students marched to his house to to show their support. I think he has slid off the pedestal I once had him on, but he is human and I think he's still a pretty amazing guy! I can't imagine anyone measuring up!
ReplyDeleteagreed. i'm sad that he left, but i think he made the correct decision.