Friday, February 25, 2011

The straight haired girls they all want curls!

Anyone who knows Molly knows that she has straight hair.  Stick. Straight. Hair. 

I love her straight hair.

But I will have to admit, when her hair first started coming in I wanted to "scrunch" it to bring out the curls.  I did this when doing Marsha's girl's hair.  Well...there were NO curls.  So eventually Molly's straight hair and I got used to each other and I do absolutely love it!!

And as Sarah Evan (country singer) said in her song I Keep Looking..."The straight haired girls they all want curls"...Molly is no different.  She loves when I take braids out of her hair and her hair looks "curly"!  So I decided to do her one better and put rollers in her hair.  Saying she was excited is an understatement!

She couldn't wait to go to bed last night and sleep in her rollers.  She was up at the crack of dawn this morning (and we even didn't have school) so I could take her rollers out.  Here is the final project....


She really thought she was something ( & I think she is too ).  She called herself "little Rudi".

                             Not quite!  But a girl can dream!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Molly and the evolution of her hair over the years.

Molly at birth.  It really, really surprised me how much DARK hair this little girl had!

Molly at 5 weeks.  I LOVED being able to put barrettes in her hair!

She is five months old here and completely bald except for her bangs.  This was quite a stage, but I could still put barrettes in her hair.   And I still thought she was the cutest.  Don't worry it grows in soon :) 

Here is Molly's first haircut, given by non-other than Aunt Marsha!!  She is about 6 months old here.  We cut some of the long hair around her head and her bangs, trying to even everything out a little!

Almost nine months, starting to look blonde!

 Molly first Pony ( 13 months ) and first double pony ( 14 months )

 I really liked her hair at this length.  There is just something about a little girl with a cute little bob!

 Summer 2007 ( 20 months )

Christmas 2007 ( almost 2 ) 

And here it is finally getting long!

September 2008 ( right before Max was born ) 

I remember when I just had Emmett and I would go walking every morning with my friend Mandi and her daughter Kate who is Emmett's age.  She always had her hair combed so cute and pretty bows or barrettes in it.  I thought how do you have time to do all that?  I don't even comb Emmett's hair.  Then I had Molly.   I understood then.  You have time because you enjoy it!   

I love having a little girl (well not so little anymore) and all the fun things that it involves.  I'll even take the drama to get all the other good stuff.  I am so lucky to be Molly's mom!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mom's Day off...(kinda)

A few months ago I felt like I never relaxed!!  So with all these snow days I have been trying to do that a little more of that.

Today the kids had a scheduled day off.  We had Robyn & Morgan spend the night.  I was also supposed to babysit my nephew Jake, but his mommy didn't have school due to freezing rain.  So with the older kids taking on the Big TV, Max and I watched TV in my bed, did some "work" on the computer and read.

I know everyone around here seems to be tired of all this snowy weather.  I try to keep in mind that this is the way it is supposed to be.  It IS February and we ARE in Northwest Ohio.  I am trying to enjoy what we are dealt.  I tend to relax alot more in the winter.  In the summer there is so much more work to be done.  Not only do we have work inside the house, there is also plenty to be done outside the house.  Then there is the kids wanting to be outside all the time.  I can't let the little ones play outside without being watched but when they are playing inside I don't have to "hover" quite so much.  This frees up more of my time.

I even get in a nap once in awhile in the winter time!

Ok so we are not really sleeping in this picture, but Max did take a nap beside me while I looked at some of my newfound "deal seeking" blogs.  And what is better than snuggling beside a sleeping baby?!?!?

And here are all the kids getting in on the picture taking action (minus Robyn who is the photographer )!  They have been so good today.  Makes not having a baby seem more and more appealing everyday.  There is definately alot more relaxing that goes on without one in the house :) 

But for now....back to the laundry, dishes and checking out all the havoc that has been wrecked while I have been "relaxing "!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Money Saving Madness!!!

I have began my trek to save more money!  I have recently discovered the "wellness" program at RiteAid.  Apparently I am WAY behind.  But it is never too late to start.

It all started when my brother Nick said that AJ hasn't paid for toothpaste or toilet paper in years.  I was like What?!?!?  I am not a coupon clipper, but if I can get that stuff for free then I was willing to be.  So I have been checking a few blogs, but realized the best way to get started was to just go to Rite Aid!

My Mom and I went and this is what I got...

All of this cost me $12.79 before tax.  After going to RiteAid my Mom had me run into Walmart and price each item.  This would have cost me $17.22 there.  That is a savings of ....drumroll please.........brace yourselves........$4.43!!!  WOW....I know that is not very much. But, you do have to take into consideration that is only a 12 dollar transaction so it is a 34.6% savings and this was my first go at it.  I didn't take in any additional coupons.  I am still learning.  Even little savings will add up...right?!?!?

I am having fun with it and I enjoy a challange!  And the two tubes of tooth paste were FREE!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Many Loves

Molly had her Valentine's Day Party at school today! 

Here they are waiting to pass out their Valentine's.  Molly had so much fun filling hers out.  I gave her the class list, turned my head to do some dishes and she had them all finished.  She had no problem writing everyone's name!

Group Hug!!!
I think Molly, Reese & Gracie initiated this one :)

Sack Race!

Molly and her friends Eme & Reese.  She seriously has some of the most adorable friends!

I was able to go for about the last hour and a half.  Being in the kid's classroom is one of my favorite things to do.  I don't get to do it as much as I would like because of having other kids at home.  I sometimes beat myself up about it.  But then I realize that I am very lucky to get there as much as I do.  I also don't think I miss a field trip (usually because Max can go with me)!  But I tell ya what, not even half of it would happen without this woman...

I am a better mom because I have such an amazing mom!!  She pretty much tries to keep her schedule clear so that she can watch/spend time with her grandkids.  In fact, tomorrow will be the third day in a row that she has watched one or all of my kids.  Chad happened to have monday off of work.  Since it was Valentine's Day Mom offered to watch my two kids ( & Mitch) so that we could go on a date.  Today I had a Doctor's appointment while Molly was at school.  She watched Max and then I still had time to make it to the party.  Tomorrow is my 1 of 2 days a month I volunteer in Emmett's classroom and she always watches the other two (if Molly doesn't go with me :) 

Now don't misinterpret that I "dump" my kids there everyday.  This has been a very unusual week.  When it rains it pours, right!?  I don't think I need her until I go back to Emmett's class in two weeks.  I try to be home as much as I can.  I just appreciate that she is always there for me as well as my siblings and that she allows me the opportunity to spend some one on one time with each of my kids.  And I absolutely never have to worry about them when they are at Grandma's house.

This was toally going to be a post about Molly's Valentine's Day Party, but I felt the need to give credit where credit is due.  And it helped me to take the time to publicly thank my Mom for all she does for me and my kids. 

Oh and I guess I wouldn't be able to be a stay at home mom if it wasn't for this guy...

He works so hard and allows me to have my dream Job!

So thank you Mom & Chad.  I love you both!

Happy Valentine's Day from Molly's class and Me!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Ice Skating Party

Well we did the ice skating think last night.  My kids have been dying to go ever since Christmas break.  Then we went to a friends Hockey game at the end of January and they wanted to go even more.  Marsha invited Molly to Morgan's birthday party and they were going ICE SKATING!!!!!  I knew that I had to take Emmett or he would make me miserable for the whole weekend.  So we let Emmett invite a friend and come friday we headed to BGSU!

Here are a few of the AWESOME pictures!!!   They turned out horrible.  The lighting was so bad in there and I don't know enough about my camera.  So this is what you get! 

I can't believe I even have a picture of Emmett using the "walker".  He used it the first time around and was on his own from there.  I was surprised how well he did for his first time!  He was on the ice the entire time. 

Max was sooooo much fun.  I didn't even think they would have skates to fit him.  But they did!  They even had smaller ones.  He LOVED it and skated almost the whole time.  His new obsession is Hockey!  He wouldn't skate without that stick.  Chad & I both (mostly Chad) had fun taking him around.

Molly was so excited to go too!  Her outfit was so perfect.  She almost looks like she knows what she is doing with that "professional" looking outfit.  Leave it to Molly to always have the "perfect" outfit!  She didn't last as long as the boys, but still had a great time!  That's Rudi's friend Mallory helping Molly go around without the walker....Thanks Mallory!!

Emmett and his friend Kaden!!

Kaden whizzing around!  He did awesome too.  This was his first time also.

I just can't get over such a little guy wearing ICE SKATES!!!

Molly and the Birthday Girl!!  Morgan was so good too!!  This was her first time ice skating and she acted like an ol' pro.  We joked that Morgan and Emmett should become a figure skating pair!  I think she had a wonderful Birthday party.

And...the woman of the hour!  Marsha did such a good job putting this together.  I think I heard Emmett thank Marsha for setting this up so he could FINALLY go ice skating.  I think there were nine kids that went and they all had a great time.  These are the childhood memories that will last a lifetime.  Thanks Marsha!!!!  (I don't think she knows I took this picture ; )

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Party Morgan!!

Today  is my neice Morgan's birthday party!  She will be turning 9 on Monday.  She is taking some friends (&Molly) to Mcdonalds to play, ice skating, and then a sleepover.  I don't know who is more excited?  Morgan or Molly?  Molly has had a countdown since there were 17 days to go.  The present has been wrapped since about day 16 and we made out Morgan's card earlier this week.  I am not usually THIS on the ball, but apparently Molly is making me be!

Morgan and Molly are buddies.  Molly really seems to look up to Morgan and wants to be around her all the time!  They definately have a special bond.  Not only do they look ALOT alike, they could play for hours and hours and never get sick of each other.  We have a new rule for Molly when she goes over to Morgan's house, Molly cannot cry and throw a fit when it is time to leave.  This is obviously a problem!

 Here is Morgan and Molly meeting for the first time!

 And once again Morgan holding Miss Molly!

 This was one Sunday before church.  Morgan and Robyn had spent the night and they all looked so cute and they wanted their pictures taken.  This was probably Morgan's idea, she is known for liking to get her picture taken.                                                                                                                                    

Molly's 3rd birthday!

I have so many pictures where Morgan and Molly are right beside each other.  Where there is one, the other isn't far behind.
I am so grateful for ALL the wonderful cousins my kids have.  They have 13 in all, 1 on the way and I am sure they will be a few more after that.  Cousins are instant friends!  I I love to see the bonds that transform.

So have a wonderful Birthday Party Morgan!  I know it will be lots of fun and lots of people to help you celebrate!  You are such a wonderful little girl to have in our family and Molly looks forward to all the fun she get to have with you

Mogan at three years old!  (isn't she adorable?!?!?)