Friday, February 25, 2011

The straight haired girls they all want curls!

Anyone who knows Molly knows that she has straight hair.  Stick. Straight. Hair. 

I love her straight hair.

But I will have to admit, when her hair first started coming in I wanted to "scrunch" it to bring out the curls.  I did this when doing Marsha's girl's hair.  Well...there were NO curls.  So eventually Molly's straight hair and I got used to each other and I do absolutely love it!!

And as Sarah Evan (country singer) said in her song I Keep Looking..."The straight haired girls they all want curls"...Molly is no different.  She loves when I take braids out of her hair and her hair looks "curly"!  So I decided to do her one better and put rollers in her hair.  Saying she was excited is an understatement!

She couldn't wait to go to bed last night and sleep in her rollers.  She was up at the crack of dawn this morning (and we even didn't have school) so I could take her rollers out.  Here is the final project....


She really thought she was something ( & I think she is too ).  She called herself "little Rudi".

                             Not quite!  But a girl can dream!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Molly and the evolution of her hair over the years.

Molly at birth.  It really, really surprised me how much DARK hair this little girl had!

Molly at 5 weeks.  I LOVED being able to put barrettes in her hair!

She is five months old here and completely bald except for her bangs.  This was quite a stage, but I could still put barrettes in her hair.   And I still thought she was the cutest.  Don't worry it grows in soon :) 

Here is Molly's first haircut, given by non-other than Aunt Marsha!!  She is about 6 months old here.  We cut some of the long hair around her head and her bangs, trying to even everything out a little!

Almost nine months, starting to look blonde!

 Molly first Pony ( 13 months ) and first double pony ( 14 months )

 I really liked her hair at this length.  There is just something about a little girl with a cute little bob!

 Summer 2007 ( 20 months )

Christmas 2007 ( almost 2 ) 

And here it is finally getting long!

September 2008 ( right before Max was born ) 

I remember when I just had Emmett and I would go walking every morning with my friend Mandi and her daughter Kate who is Emmett's age.  She always had her hair combed so cute and pretty bows or barrettes in it.  I thought how do you have time to do all that?  I don't even comb Emmett's hair.  Then I had Molly.   I understood then.  You have time because you enjoy it!   

I love having a little girl (well not so little anymore) and all the fun things that it involves.  I'll even take the drama to get all the other good stuff.  I am so lucky to be Molly's mom!


  1. she's a QT! I don't comb willims hair either...haha unless it looks like a real mess.

  2. oh the curls turned out very pretty. Darling little ones you have. I lvoe seeing the evolution of the hair. that one with the little clip on top with the little patch on top is cute. I can't believe Rudi is so big.... ahhh that is crazy. She was just a wee one when I met her
